TT No. 14: Production Technology of Palm-Based Monoglygerides

Partial glycerides are commercially synthesized and used as emulsifying agents in a wide range of food products. Monoglycerides, in particular, which have better emulsifying property than diglycerides, account for over 70% of the total world consumption as food emulsifiers. Main Research: Dr Choo Yuen May 

TT No. 13: Production Technology for Carotenes

The orange red colour of crude palm oil is due to the presence of the natural colour pigment called carotenes. In fact, palm oil is one of the richest source of natural carotenes. The major carotenes found in crude palm oil are the carotene (35%) and B-carotene (56%). The concerntration of carotene in crude palm oil […]

TT No. 12: Palm Oil Methyl Esters as Fuel: Palm Diesel

Palm diesel consists of methyl esters of crude palm oil or crude palm stearin prepared from reaction with methanol using a suitable catalyst. Crude oils of free fatty acids content up to 30% can be used as the feedstock, as the process provides pretreatment stage (esterification) to handle the free fatty acids. The process has […]

TT No. 11: Red Palm Oil – A Carotene-Rich, Nutritious Oil

Palm oil is one of the richest natural plant source of carotenes with the concentration from 500-700 ppm. the production of palm oil in 1992 was 6.4 million tonnes an it is projected that Malaysian production will reach over 8 million tonnes by the year 2000. Hence, the potential availability of carotenes in the year […]

TT No. 10: Palm Oil Information Online Service (PALMOILIS)

Palmoilis is an online database service developed and hosted by the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM). Palm oil data, information and knowledge are the strategic resource, the intellectual capital and main product of PORIM. Since its establishment in 1979, many databases and information components have been independently generated at the various R&D laboratories and […]