TT No. 194: Novel oil compositions

It is interesting to note that natural oils and fats have saturated:monounsaturated:polyunsaturated fatty acid ratios which vary tremendously from one extreme to another as shown in Table 1. When keeping the monounsaturation level at 1.0, highly unsaturated oils are tilted towards the polyunsaturated, while highly saturated oils such as coconut and palm kernel oils are […]

TT No. 193: Value-added products from palm pressed fibres

Palm-pressed fibre is a by-product produced by palm oil mill after screw-pressing of palm fruits during the production of crude palm oil (CPO). The palm-pressed fibre generated is normally burnt as solid fuel to self-supply steam and electricity required for the operation of the mill. However, the residual oil in the pressed fibre contains high […]

TT No. 192: Used frying oil : recovery and applications

Vegetable oils including palm oil exhibit poor quality in terms of stability and high free fatty acids (FFA) content after exhaustive frying process. During frying, the oil darkens in the presence of phenolic minor components and is no longer good for health when polar compounds reach up to 25%-27%. These used frying oils are usually […]

TT No. 191: Rapid moisture determination for palm pressed fibres

Moisture content in palm products is an important process control parameter in a palm oil mill. The current standard procedure of determining the moisture content of palm oil samples is to weigh a sample, heat it in an oven at 103o C to drive off the moisture and reweigh. The loss in weight is presumed […]

TT No. 190: Process system for production of shell free palm kernel

Malaysian palm kernel crushers are encouraged to further improve their operations through producing higher quality palm kernel oil (PKO) and palm kernel cake (PKC). Inconsistency in dirt and shell content of palm kernel sold and delivered to the crushing plants M was identified as one of the factors that affects the final products quality and […]