TT No. 199: J Pearl soap

In this modern IT oriented world, consumers are exposed to a lot of high technology oriented products. Yet when it comes to cosmetic and skin care preparation, many seems to be turning back to the familiar, particularly products related to nature or simply natural. Currently, the natural product category is flourishing, with many manufacturers claiming […]

TT No. 198: Recovery of nickel from spent nickel catalyst

Spent nickel catalyst is generated by various chemical and industrial processes particularly in hydrogenation of natural oils and fats. The spent catalyst generated by the Malaysian palm oil industry usually comes from two processes: hydrogenation of soft oils to fat or hydrogenation of fatty acids of high iodine value (IV) to fatty acids of low […]

TT No. 197: Detergent testing services

Detergents are commonly used in our daily life. In Malaysia, the detergent market value in 2002 was RM 486.5 million with powder formulation constituting 72.5%, liquid 11.6% and bar 15.6%, corresponding to 78 700 t, 11 952 t and 19 600 t respectively (AC Nielsen, 2003). To maintain the interest and loyalty of consumers who […]

TT No. 196: Palm based non-hydrogenated creame

Non-hydrogenated creamers are also known as non-dairy creamers and they are widely used in beverages. These are considered as substitutes for dairy creamer, evaporated milk or fresh milk. These products have replaced natural cream to a great extent in tea and drinking chocolate. Apart from dairy substitutes, with a bit of modification, it can also […]

TT No. 195: Anticrystallizer in palm olein

Palm olein is the preferred oil for cooking and frying because it has good oxidative stability. However, it tends to crystallize and becomes cloudy in cold weather in temperate countries. In these countries, even palm super olein clouds at very low temperature. In Malaysia and other tropical countries, there is no problem with clouding as […]