TT No. 511: Motorised Vessel with Fast Media Transfer (MoVeFast)

MPOB motorised vessel (5-10 litres capacity) for multiplication of oil plam tissue cultures has been develop (Tarmizi et al., 2009) and is being used routinely. It is an economical and practical method for culturing cell aggregates in larger working volumes of liquid media for increased production. However, there is still a need for the vessel to be transported to a laminar flow cabinet for media replenishment in a sterile manner. This is impractical as the vessel is bulky and heavy, making handling of the vessel a hassle to the laboratory operators. This will also increase the risk of contamination. To overcome these problems, a mechanism has been developed to simplify the whole process of media replenishment. The new system is called motorised vessel with fast media transfer or MoVeFast.

Main Research: Dr Ahmad Tarmizi Hashim