TT No. 372: Trans Free and Low Saturated Palm-Based Packet Margarine Formulation

A trans-free and low saturated palmbased packet margarine was formulated. The product was consistent, yet soft and spreadable on bread at refrigerator temperature (5°C-10°C). However, as with other soft margarines, it becomes soft and oily after being left at > 30°C for more than 1 hr. Margarines containing < 33% total saturated fatty acids (SAFA) and zero trans-fatty acids (TFA) content are becoming the vogue with health conscious consumers. Although < 33% SAFA is not mandatory in many countries, the increasing consumer demand is forcing manufacturers to produce such products. The problem is that, reducing SAFA to < 33% will change the physical properties of the product. In margarine, SAFA contributes to the structure or body of the product by providing the solids content. Thus, reducing SAFA will weaken the structure. Soft margarines packed in tubs are not so affected by the reduction in total solids, but packet margarine will be greatly affected. Thus, the structure in the latter product should be provided instead by the crystal network developed during production of the margarine. The optimum processing conditions should therefore be used so that the product can be properly wrapped, yet, at the same time, maintain its softness for good spreadability.

Main Research:  Miskandar Mat Sahri