TS No. 79, 80 & 81: Determination of Hexaconazole in Field Samples Using Gas Chromatography- Electron Capture Detection (GC-ECD)

A pesticide is any biological, physical or chemical substance used to control, destroy or repel a pest. A fungicide is a chemical pesticide compound that kills or inhibits the growth of fungi. As fungicides can be toxic to humans and present chronic problems when contaminated food is consumed by people, it is important to monitor the use of fungicides in agriculture. In addition, there are environmental issues associated with the use of fungicides in agriculture, including accumulation in the soil and runoff into rivers and lakes. In oil plantations, the fungicide hexaconazole is used to control Ganoderma infection that threatens to destroy or compromise the palm. The method of hexaconzole in the field such as in samples of water, soil and leaf to monitor the use and fate of the fungicide in oil palm plantations. 

Main Research: Dr Halimah Muhamad