TS No. 1: Anti-acne Efficacy Testing Services

In Asia, 50% of women ages 15-30 years old are concerned about oily skins. In Europe, 80%-95% of the teenagers are concerned while in America only 50% of this specific population uses appropriate cleaning products by: ZAFARIZAL ALDRIN AZIZUL HASAN and ROSNAH ISMAIL ANTI-ACNE EFFICACY TESTING SERVICES 300 to fight oily skins with comedones (Mas-Chamberlaine et al., 2002). Everywhere, an increase demand is seen for treating sebaceous gland disorder. Thus, there is a specific market for acne cream and related products. Recently, AOTD received many requests for efficacy testing of the acne creams and related cosmetic products from local cosmetic manufacturers. Data on the effectiveness is important to support marketing claims. Therefore, anti-acne efficacy test service is set up to support the niche market of acne-related cosmetic products.

Main Research: Zafarizal Aldrin Azizul Hassan