TT No. 547: Production of High Quality Kenaf Fodder for Intensive Livestock Integration with Oil Palm

Feed is one of the major success factors in livestock enterprise for intensive production system. Intensive production system relies ultimately on a good feed supply in term of quantity and quality. Feed quality has direct impact on livestock performance especially on body conformation, breeding efficiency and milk production. With intensive livestock integration in place, therefore it is important to have a good fodder supply package to sustain the project. Kenaf offers a good complementary forage crop for inclusion in the multi-species production system of oil palm plantation and livestock integration. It is an excellent forage crop with its good quality for feeding ruminants. It can fit easily for planting in immature or mature palm planted using double avenue planting system (Figure 1). It can be harvested multiple times without significantly affecting its fodder quantity, quality and nutritional value. 

Main Research: Raja Zulkifli Raja Omar