TS No. 132: Determination of Nutrients and H eavy Metals in Environmental Samples using Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer (ICD-MS)

Interest in eco-friendly and sustainable agricultural practices using biological approach have increased rapidly with considerable success. However, extensive use of chemical fertilisers has led to environmental problems such as soil degradation, water pollution and emission of greenhouse gases. Environmental pollution has increased rapidly in the recent years, especially soil and groundwater contamination. Hence, it is vital to determine the concentration of contaminant rapidly and precisely, in particular those toxic heavy metals. A reliable analytical method is also needed for quantification of macro, micro and trace elements from the oil palm agro-environment that can determine the level of toxicity and its effect on the environment. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) is a fast, precise and sensitive multi-element analytical technique for the determination of trace elements for analysing samples in aqueous solution. ICP-MS is characterised by high selectivity, sensitivity and detection limits. It can read up to 60 elements in less than 3 min with detection limit up to parts per trillion (ppt), thus suitable for rapid analysis of elements in environmental samples, particularly in the oil palm plantations and palm oil mills. 

Main Research: Nor Shalina Ahmad Tajuddin