TT No. 532: Field Spectroscopy for Detection of Ganorderma Disease in Oil Palm

The Basal Stem Rot (BSR) disease caused by Ganoderma boninense has caused huge economic losses to oil palm plantations (Roslan and Idris, 2012). The disease can be diagnosed based on the presence of basidiomata of the pathogen on the stem base or frond bases or roots (Idris and Ariffin, 2004). Several technologies have been developed for the detection of the Ganoderma disease in oil palm, namely Ganoderma Selective medium (GSM) (Ariffin et al., 1993); Polyclonal Antibodies Enzyme-Linked Immunsorbent Assay (PAbs-ELISA) (Idris et al., 2010). Another technology known as field spectroscopy can also be used for the detection of Ganoderma disease in oil palm. Field spectroscopy is a hyperspectral remote sensing (HRS) technique that provides non-destructive measurement to differentiate healthy and infected oil palm (Izuddin, 2010; Shafri et al., 2011; Nishfasriza, 2012).

Main Research: Mohamad Izzuddin Anuar