TT No. 530: The Performance of Mungbean Integrated with Oil palm

Mungbean, Vigna radiata is a green seeded legume with pods borne at the top of the plant (Figure 1). The crop originated from India. It was distributed to other topical Asian countries in the early 17th century. It belongs to the family Leguminosae, the same as soyabean, groundnut and chick peas (John Milton Poehlman. 1991). mungbean grows well on a clay loam soil with a soil pH that ranges from 5.8 to 6.5 temperatures of 25 C – 27 C; relatively humidity of 50%-89%; day light of 10 hr per day and rainfall of within 50 to 200 m  per month. Mungbean has several uses; the main being the production of bean sprouts, high in protein, vitamins A, B1, E and C.

Main Research: Norkaspi Khasim