TT No. 417: Techinque for Mechanically Forced Unidirectional Leaning of Oil Palm on Peat

The incidence of learning palms is unavoidable for oil palm planted on peat, even with mechanical compaction on the peat and applying the hole-in-hole planting technique. Palms leaning in a disorderly manner have apparently become a serious limiting factor in oil palm performance on peat (Mohd Tayeb et al., 1996). Leaning poses difficulties in field operations and maintenance. Leaning palm have resulted in reductions in fresh fruit bunch (FFB) production, ranging from 9% to 26% compared to upright palms (Hasnol et al., 2007). However, palms that lean progressively with age have little impact on the arrangement of the canopy, and this type of leaning does not seriously affected the FFB yield and fiedls operations.

Main Research: Hasnol Othman