TT No. 348: Efficient Use of Urea as Nitrogen Fertilizer for Mature Oil Palm in Malaysia

For good oil palm growth and production, heavy fertilization is required especially with nitrogen (N). Based on the current area under oil palm, it is estimated that the N fertilizer requirement exceeds three million tonnes N a year. Currently, urea is mostly used in compound fertilizers for oil palm. Urea has the added advantage of high N concentration (46%), reducing its costs of transport, handling and storage vis-à-vis other inorganic N fertilizers. Thus, applying urea straight on coastal and peat soils is cost-effective and widely accepted. However, its use on inland soils is most slow, due to concerns over the volatilization loss of ammonia. This article describes an effective technique for direct urea application to oil palm and assesses the economics of its use for mature oil palm in Malaysia.

Main Research: Dr. Zin Zawawi Zakaria