TT No. 277: Palm-based Polyol for Adhesives

There are several types of polyols that can be produced by the MPOB pilot plant (capacity 800 kg per batch). The polyols are obtained by reacting epoxidized palm oil with a short-chain alcohols such as glycerol orethylene glycol. These polyols can then be reacted with suitable isocyanates to give a variety of polyurethane (PU) products. The PU products can be rigid, semi-rigid or flexible and are suitable for industrial sectors like building, furniture and automotive parts. To date, MPOB has produced products like ceiling panels, sandwiched boards for wall panel, dry flora foam, thermal insulator for freezer and flexible soft foam for furniture and others. One of these palm-based polyols, polyol from palm oil and ethylene glycol (PolyEG) when blended with PolyMO (see MPOB TT No. 278 for more information on PolyMO), a new natural polyol from palm oil, is found suitable for adhesive applications.

Main Research: Dr Hazimah Abu Hassan