TT No. 254: Bunch Ash: An Efficient and Cost Effective K Fertilizer Source for Mature Oil Palm on Peat under High Rainfall Environment

Peat with an area totalling approximately 2.6 million hectares is considered a major problem soil in Malaysia (Mutalib et al., 1991). In Sarawak alone, peat area covers approximately 1.6 million hectares or 13% of the total land area in the state (Teng, 2003). The poor inherent physical and chemical properties of peat make its development for oil palm cultivation difficult and costly. Low soil bulk density, high water table, subsidence, low pH, high carbon and nitrogen ratio (C/N) and low nutrient status are among the major properties of peat that need amelioration for successful cultivation of oil palm. Generally, peat is highly deficient in potassium (K) and therefore, oil palm requires high amount of external K application. Using bunch ash as a source of K is more advantageous and preferable since it helps to neutralize soil acidity (Gurmit et al., 1986; Mohd Tayeb, 2002).

Main Research: Hasnol Othman